Happy and Healthy at Home

At this point in the nationwide COVID-19 quarantine, you may be having a hard time staying sane. I am hoping you have found something that is helping to keep you motivated, happy, and healthy. If you are struggling here are some ways to improve your life while trapped.

  1. Set Goals

As a financial planner, I believe setting goals is an important aspect of long-term financial well-being. It is also something that can help keep you motivated during your homestay. You can practice an instrument that you’ve neglected to play recently, read a book, clean a room in your house, or try a new recipe. Having something to accomplish each day is a great way to keep your mind occupied.

  1. Get Moving

If you start to feel caged in or antsy, get moving. Go for a walk or get in a workout. There are several online workout programs and fitness websites running specials so that you can get the most out of your workout while at home. If that sound a little daunting a little peruse around the neighborhood with your dog is nice too!

  1. Call a Friend

Now is a great time to catch up with old friends or to call your family. Not just for the social aspect of it, but they will appreciate you checking in on their well-being. The only problem you might have is finding a reason to hang-up. After all, you aren’t going anywhere.

  1. Take a Break from Media

If the constant information from news organizations is giving you anxiety, turn your notifications off for a few hours. You can also set time frames during your day that you allow yourself to tune into what is going on in the world. If news is urgent enough, it will most likely make its way to you. The constant media noise may sometimes be important but is more than likely just new information you may not necessarily need to know furthering any anxiety you may feel.

-Clay Wood-

BCR Wealth

BCR Wealth

From retirement planning to asset management and protecting your family's financial future, BCR Wealth Strategies provides clear guidance and comprehensive support to help you verbalize and realize your financial objectives.